Dhulikhel / Shiva Temple / Guest House

A two hour bus journey from Ratna Park bus terminal to the east of Kathmandu found us in the small Newari town of Dhulikhel, which is known (along with Nagarkot) for its spectacular views of the Himalaya.

A dos horas en bus desde el terminal de buses Ratna Park al este de Katmandu, nos encontramos en el pequeño pueblo Newari Dhulikhel, conocido (junto con Nagarkot) por sus vistas espectaculares sobre el Himalaya.

The dusty village square has at its main feature 2 sacred tanks where hindu deities and fish bath side by side. Wandering through the small stone paved streets leading out from the center one encounters tradition Newari architecture and woodcarvings. Some of the buildings seem to be held together by chance, and we were continually amazed by the means used to keep them this way.

La polvorienta plaza central del pueblo tiene como principal atraccion dos estanques sagrados donde deidades hindus y peces nadan lado a lado. Caminando entre las pequeñas calles pavimentadas y llevandonos fuera del centro, se encuentran arquitecturas tradicionales Newari y grabados en madera. Algunos edificios parecen sostenerse por suerte, y nos sorprendio ver las diferentes formas empleadas para mantener cada pieza junta. 

Central Dhulikhel/ Centro de Dhulikhel

Shiva bathing in the tank / Shiva bañandose en el estanque

Backstreets of Dhulikhels/ Calles de Dhulikhel


Newari buildings standing somehow/ Construcciones Newari de pie 

We also found circular forms in front of the houses (sometimes even big squares from one side of the house to the other), painted in brown and containting flower petals, fruits, and pigments. These are made in order to protect the houses, as well as the doors are decorated with illustrations of deities and symbols.

También encontramos formas circulares en frente de casas (algunas veces hasta grandes cuadrados de lado a lado de la casa imitando su sombra), pintadas en color tierra y llenos de flores, frutas y pigmentos. Estas formas se hacen para proteger el hogar, de la misma manera en la que se decoran los marcos de las puertas con ilustraciones de deidades y símbolos. 

Dhulikhel is a very green place, where nature and the constructions of the town are in constant battle. 20 minutes walking from the main road to the south east the hotels multiply promising to the visitor the chance to spot some of the tallest peaks in the world. Crossing the Shiva Temple, which is built at the bottom of a small valley between two hill sides covered with deep forest, you will find a damp and humid ambients that shelters old histories.

Dhulikhel es un lugar muy verde, donde la naturaleza y las construcciones del pueblo estan en constante batalla. A veinte minutos a pie desde la via principal hacia el sur este, los hoteles se multiplican prometiendo al visitante la suerte de avistar algunos de los mas altos picos del mundo. Atravesando el Templo de Shiva, que esta construido en el fondo de un pequeño valle entre dos faldas de colinas y cubierto de un bosque frondoso, encuentras un ambiente humedo que encierra viejas historias.

The main shrine of the Shiva Temple where lies the print of a cow. The legend behind the hoof print is the reason for its continued importance and initial construction / Altar principal del Templo de Shiva donde se encuentra la huella de una vaca. La leyenda detras de ésta marca es la razon de su continua importancia y el origen de su construccion

Its the story of a farmer that had a cow that did not want to give milk or feed its babies. The days went on and she remained the same. Every evening she ran away from the house that was a mystery to the farmer. One day he decided to follow the cow through the jungle and he found her standing in a point with the milk flowing out from her udder. This is viewed as something extra-ordinary and attested to the sacridness of the spot. The hoof print set in copper marks the location that the cow stopped to let out its milk and is considered a very sacred place.

Es la historia de un campesino que tenia una vaca que no queria dar leche ni alimentar a sus borregos. Los dias pasaban y la vaca seguia igual. Cada tarde se escapaba de la casa, lo que alimentaba el misterio de su dueño. Un dia, el campesino decidio seguir la vaca entre la jungla frondosa y la encontro parada en un lugar donde la leche fluia de sus ubres. Esto fue visto como un evento extra-ordinario y atesto lo sagrado del lugar. La huella que dejo la vaca en aquel lugar marco el lugar donde esta vaca dio su leche y fue considerado un lugar muy especial.

One day another farmer was returning from the market with a large pot of honey and found a Sadhu in the street begging for food. The Sadhu asked the farmer for something to eat and although the man was reluctant to give his honey, he felt a lot of compassion for the man and decided to give him some of his honey. The Sadhu told the farmer that he will open his mouth and will advise him when he has had enough. He went on the drink the whole pot of honey leading the farmer to feel a little bit cheated and he left. Another day the Sadhu went to the farmers house carrying a sack over his shoulder and said "hello sir, i saw where you were living and i was wondering if you could mind this sack for me and i will return for it in some days. The farmers was bothered as it was the same man that had drank all of his honey, but feeling again the compassion for the man, accepted to mind it. As they days passed the Sadhu was nowhere to be seen. Until one night the farmer had a dream, and in this dream the Sadhu appeared and said "In my pack there are many nuggets of gold, I am Shiva, and I offer you this gold and request that you built a temple in my honor where the hoof prints of the cow are. The remaining gold is yours". The farmer woke up and went to look in the sack and to his suprise saw that it was filled with gold nuggets. He then realised that the Sadhu was in fact Shiva. He honoured the request of Shiva and built the temple that still stands today.

En otra ocasion muchos años después, otro campesino regresaba del mercado con un precioso pote de miel y encontro en su camino un Sadhu en la calle pidiendo comida. El Sadhu pidio al campesino algo de comer y aunque el hombre se vio reticente a darle su miel, sintio una gran compasion y decidio ofrecerle un poco de ésta. El Sadhu dijo al campesino que abriria su boca para que virtiera la miel y le avisaria cuando estuviese contento. Pero el hombre bebio toda la miel, lo que hizo sentir al campesino una extraña sensacion de engaño luego de la cual decidio partir. Otro dia, el mismo Sadhu fue a la casa del campesino llevando un costal en sus hombros "buenos dias señor -dijo el Sadhu- vi donde vivia y vengo a pedirle si puede guardarme este costal y vendré por el en un par de dias". El campesino se sintio un poco molesto ante la demanda del hombre, pero de nuevo sintio una gran compasion por el y decidio aceptar. Los dias pasaron y el Sadhu no aparecia a buscar su costal. Hasta que una noche, el campesino tuvo un sueño donde el Sadhu le decia "El mi costal hay muchas pepitas de oro, soy Shiva, y te ofrezco este oro y te pido que construyas un templo en mi honor donde se encuentra la huella de la vaca. Lo que te quede de este oro sera para ti." El campesino, confundido por esta vision, se desperto y dirigio hacia el costal donde encontro para su sorpresa las dichas pepitas de oro. Reconocio entonces en el Sadhu a Shiva y reconocio su demanda construyendo el templo que aun hoy se erige en aquel lugar. 

This story was recounted to us by the owner of the Shiva Guest House whom family has lived up this Temple for over 200 years.

Esta historia nos fué contada por el dueño de Shiva Guest House cuya familia ha vivido en la colina arriba del Templo desde hace mas de 200 años. 

From the Shiva Temple a path leads up towards the left through terraces of mustard leaves and garlic to this small family-run guest-house; The Shiva Guest House. Its owners will receive you on their property full of fruits, flowers, plants and goats. This is a perfect place to have breathtaking views at a very reasonable price, although the food is quite overpriced.

Desde el Templo de Shiva un camino lleva hacia arriba y luego a la izquierda entre las terrazas de hojas de mostaza y ajo, hacia esta pequeña posada familiar; Shiva Guest House. Sus proprietarios reciben a los visitantes en su casa llena de frutas, flores, plantes y cabras. Es un lugar perfecto para disfrutar de las hermosas vistas a un precio razonable, aunque la comida es bastante cara (preferimos salir al pueblo a comer).

The rooms are cosy and very simple, all on the top floor having beautiful views of terraced fields with the Himalayas rising out of the background. The best views are from the rooftop, although the highway to Tibet echoes the eccentric horns to the sourrounding valley.

Los cuartos son acogedores y muy simples, y en el techo de la casa hay una terraza con hermosas vistas de los cultivos en terrazas y el Himalaya imponente al fondo. Las mejores vistas están ahi, aunque la autoruta a Tibet pasa justo debajo haciendo eco de las excéntricas bocinas en el valle. 

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We are first time travelers to Nepal, both of us interested in Anthropology and Multimedia and have decided to make this blog to show aspects of Nepal that give us a feeling of fascination, in the hope that we can pass that feeling along to others. // Viajamos por primera vez a Nepal, ambos interesados en Antropologia y Multimedias, y hemos decidido crear este blog para mostrar aspectos de Nepal que nos han fascinado con la idea de transmitir y compartir nuestros encuentros. // Photos by Nicholas Hindson & Yris Apsit • Copyright © 2014 • All Rights Reserved